To connect with target audiences aged 25-50, build online conversations that will increase the sales of our latest product, the Samsung Z Flip 5, positioning the brand as a market leader in its sector, while elevating overall awareness and brand affinity.


  • We Examined the industry, competitors activities and their product
  • We identified TA preferences and developed campaign strategy using the insight from above.
  • We emphasized the campaign theme; Join The Flip Side communicating the importance of the brand and why they should switch to the Samsung side.
  • Tactics:We implored the use of Teaser using (countdowns graphics, Trivias and recap pictures of the Unpacked event), Product launch and the sustenance phase where we encouraged brand users to “show your flip side” using any of the devices. Additionally we introduced the use of Flexpay and Trade In options respectively.


  • The device pre-order was sold out in 2 weeks.
  • The campaign achieved 9,696,015 impression as against 6,584,647 originally targeted across all platforms.
  • 1.5 million impressions achieved and more than 686K unique audience reached through the blog banner. The banner also amassed 8254 clicks to the landing page (Unpacked streaming webpage)
  • The amplification of videos have positively impacted the campaign with more than 918K views and 615K engagement recorded.
  • 11,927 clicks were recorded on the pre-order page and the pre-order was sold out in two weeks.